目的了解血吸虫病潜在流行区血吸虫病的潜在流行危险因素,做好血吸虫病潜在流行区的监测预警,为防治工作提供科学依据。方法2008年和2012年对固定监测点人群、2008-2012年对流动监测点人群,采取血清学和病原学方法检测血吸虫感染情况。每年对固定监测点进行螺情调查,在水体钉螺监测点采用网捞法和稻草帘诱螺法进行钉螺扩散监测。结果检测当地居民2 568人,IHA检测抗体阳性7人,阳性率为0.27%,粪检未发现阳性者;检测渔船民1 275人,IHA检测抗体阳性19人,阳性率为1.49%,粪检18人,阳性1人。查螺面积859.73 hm2,发现有螺条块3个,有螺面积24.55 hm2,其中新发现有螺条块2个,有螺面积20.23 hm2;打捞漂浮物530 kg,投放稻草帘80块,结果均未发现钉螺。结论发现了输入性传染源和新的螺区。加强对渔船民等流动人口的监测与管理、加强螺情监测和防止钉螺扩散是今后金湖县血吸虫病潜在流行区防控工作的重点。关键词:血吸虫病;潜在流行区;
Objective To understand the potential risk factors of schistosomiasis transmission in potential endemic areas and the surveillance of shistosomiasis japonica, so as to provide scientific basis for control of disease. Methods Immunological assays and stool examinations were carried out to investigate the infection situation of people in fixed surveillance points in 2008 and 2012, and in mobile surveillance points from 2008 to 2012. The methods of net salvage and attracting snails with rice straw curtains were used for snail surveys in water body of surveillance points. Results Total of 2 568 local people were screened by IHA, and the positive rate of antibody was 0.27% (7/2 568) and none was tested positive in stool examinations. The total of 1 275 fisherman and boatman were screened by IHA, and the positive rate of antibody was 1.49% (19/1 275). 18 people were examined by stool examinations, and I person was tested positive. The total area of snail survey was 859.73 hm2. Snails were found in 3 strips, and the areas with snails were 24.55 hm2; the number of strips where the snails were first found was 2 and the total area was 20.23 hm2. The total of 530 kg floats were collected and 80 pieces of rice straw curtains were placed, but no snail was found. Conclusion The key issues in controlling shcistosomiasis in potential endemic are to enhance the surveillance of snails and the management of fisherman and boatman.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
potential endemic areas