本文在简明扼要地叙述地理信息系统 (GIS)及地理信息系统教育的发展特点 ,系统全面地分析GIS与地图学、地图可视化与GIS可视化的密切关系的基础上 ,就新时期的地图学教育 ,在师资人员培养、课程设置、教学内容选择、教学实验方法等方面进行了探讨。
Based on the brief narration of the development of GIS and GIS education,analysing systemicaly and completely the ralationship of GIS with cartolosy,map visualization with GIS visualization,this paper discussed the teacher training,the establishing of courses,the selection of teaching content and the teaching and experiment method about cartolosy education in the new era.
Surveying and Mapping of Sichuan