研究表明活动星系核的高能γ射线辐射和低频射电辐射有着某些内在的联系。EGRET已检测到66 颗可信度很高的活动星系核。而这些高能的活动星系核有部分缺少足够的射电图象观测。为研究这些河外剧变源的射电辐射性质及致密结构,并研究活动量系核射电喷流弯曲与高能辐射的内在联系。我们利用国际欧洲VLBI网,英国的MERLIN 和美国的VLA对近20 颗γ射线活动星系核进行了观测。本文给出部分高能γ射线活动星系核在8 .5GHz的VLA 观测图象。
The recent study shows a intrinsic relationship between high enough gamma ray emission and radio emission in AGN. EGRET has detected 66 AGN with high reliability. Some of them lack enough radio observation. To study their radio properties, compact structures, and the intrinsic relationship between bending of radio jets and high enough emission, we observed about 20 EGRET detected AGN with VLBI, MERLIN, and VLA. Some 8.5GHz VLA images of the sources are presented in this paper.