本文收集了射电源表1Jy,S4 ,S5 中的活动星系核的宽发射线数据,发现射电活动星系核的宽发射线与5GHz 射电辐射强相关。BLLac 天体具有较弱的宽发射线辐射,但具有与其它活动星系核类似的统计行为。结果表明射电活动星系核中的喷流与吸积过程存在本质联系。
A correlation between radio and broad line emission for a sample of radio loud quasars is present, which is in favour of a close link between the accretion processes and the relativistic jets. The BL Lac objects seem to follow the statistical behaviour of the quasars, but with fainter broad line emission.