Controled by the water condition,the development and the distribution of permafrostand periglacial action, the low boundaries and the form of the periglacial landform areunique, which develop in the frigid-arid zone in Qinzang Plateau. The Russian scholars (1954), (1970) applied the conception of the maritimepermafrost and the continental permafrost.According to the viewpoint of zhou youwu(1982),the coutinental permafrost appear at the most of Qinzang Plateau and the northslopes of Ximalaya Mts,the maritime permafrost exist in the south slopes of the east part ofXimalaya Mts,the southest of Xizang and the Henduan mountain lands.Cui Zhijiu dividedthe periglacial landform of Qinzang Plateau into three types,they are the maritime,thesubcontinental and the countinental types. But the author thinks those distributions are verygeneral,they can not distinguish the features of the permafrost and the periglactal landfozm inthe semiarid,the arid and the extreme arid zones.So the countinental permafrost and theperiglacial landform should be divided into the subcontinental(semiarid), the continental(arid) and the extreme countinental (extreme arid) types. The study show that thepermafrost,the existence and the divide of the permafrost are directly controled by the verticalzonality,the latitudinal zonality and the distributions of sea and land, the elevations of thepermafrost are very different in different areas even though they are in the same latitude zonein Qinzang Plateau.
Arid Land Geography