[Objective] The paper was to study and modify non-limiting water range (NLWR) of soil. [Method] The water content when total soil water potential was -0.3 MPa or soil mechanical resistance was 0.85 MPa was selected as the lower limit of NLWR to replace the original water content of permanent wilting point or the water content under soil mechanical resistance of 2.0 MPa. NLWR could be calculated us-ing the minimum value of upper limit minus the maximum value of lower limit. [Re-sult] Compared with original NLWR or least limiting water range (LLWR), the modi-fied NLWR had more practical significance. When Db〉Db-thr, soil physical properties hindered the growth of crops, so the soil should be improved; when Db〉Db-thr, soil physical properties hindered the growth of crops, so-the soil should be improved; wtlen Db〈Db-thr, as long as the soil water content is within NLWR, soil physical properties had no effect on crop growth. NLWR at this time could be used as the basis for irrigation man- agement in farmland. [Conclusion] The study provides theoretical support and scientific basis for relevant researches about evolution rule and regulatory mechanisms of soil physical quality, relationship between soil physical quality and crop growth and yield, water-fertilizer-salt management of soil.
[目的]研究和修正土壤的无限制水分区间。[方法]取土壤总水势为-0.3 MPa时的含水量或土壤机械阻力为0.85 MPa时的含水量作为NLWR的下限,代替原有的是永久萎蔫点或土壤机械阻力为2.0 MPa时的含水量。用上限的最小值减去下限的最大值,即可计算出NLWR。[结果]与原有的NLWR或土壤最小限制水分区间相比,修正后的NLWR更具有现实意义。当D b>Db-thr时,土壤物理性质对作物产生阻碍作用,需进行土壤改良,当D b<Db-thr时,只要土壤含水量处于NLWR之内,土壤物理性质对作物生长无影响,此时NLWR可以作为农田水分灌溉管理的依据。[结论]该研究为土壤物理质量演变规律与调控机制、土壤物理质量与作物生长发育及产量的关系、土壤水-肥-盐管理等方面的相关研究提供理论支持与科学依据。
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41161037,31371582)~~