The bore No.4 is 153.66m in depth, is located at terrac I of north bank Heihe Rivernearby Qing-Kang Haighway. After analysing lithological characters and radiocarbonC^14 datings of the bore profile, the conclusions could be stated as follows: The strtigraphyat the depth of 0-4.15m is a stream-swamp stream facies deposit in the late of Holocene; atthe depth of 4.15-51.9m is an alluvial-pluvial deposit and at the dcpth of 51.95-67.5m is atransition phase of alluvial-pluvial and lakeshore deposit in the Holocene; at the depth of67.5-153.66m is a stationary lacustrine deposit in the Pleistocene. The glaciation did notdevelop, but the palaeogeographical environment of glacial period and interglacial periodappeard alternately could be reflected in the Pleistocene, and the periglcial climate was aridand cold in the Holocene in the Heihe Rever basin. The depositional rate of the sedimentwas 1.5mm per year in the late of Pleistocene(40000-10000 B.P.Y.), and 6.5mm per year inthe Holocene nearby the bore No.4.
Arid Land Geography