目的探讨生长停滞特异性基因产物6(growth arrest-specific gene6,Gas 6)水平与下肢深静脉血栓(deepvenousthrombosis,DVT)形成的相关性。方法选择下肢DVT患者80例作为病例组,同期选择年龄、性别匹配的体检者80例作为对照组。运用ELISA法检测研究对象Gas6水平,应用单因素及多因素分析两组血清Gas6水平差异,并进一步按四分位数间距对其进行多因素分层,分析不同水平Gas6水平与DVT的相关性。结果病例组血清Gas6水平显著高于对照组[(1.96±1.33)Vs(0.73±0.68)ng/mL,p=0.001],多因素校正相关危险因素后(吸烟史、家族DVT史、同型半胱氨酸),结果示病例组Gas6水平亦高于对照纽(OR=2.732,95%CI:7375~4.316,P=0.003)。进一步将血清Gas6水平按〈0.53,0.54~1.20,1.21~2.06,〉2.07mg/L(四分位数间距)分层,校正相关因素后发现,处于〉2.07mg/L水平时,DVT组发病率是对照组的5.573倍(P=0.002)。结论Gas6水平与下肢深静脉血栓形成密切相关,可作为DVT治疗的新靶点.
Objective To investigate the relationship between Serum Growth Arrest-specific Gene 6 and Deep Venous Thrombosis. Methods A total of 80 patients with DVT and 80 age and sex-matched controls from the physical examination center were enrolled in this retrospective study. The serum Gas 6 level was measured by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Univariate and multiple logistic regression models were used to detect the differences between DVT group and control subject. Furthermore, all research object were randomly divided into four parts accordjng to quartile of Gas 6 and multiple logistic regression analysis were used to test the association between the risk of DVT with serum Gas 6 at different levels. Results The level of serum Gas 6 in the DVT group was significantly higher than the control group [(1.96±1.33) Vs (0.73±0.68) ng/mL, P=-0.001) and this result did not altered after adjustment for related factors (OR=2.132,95%CI. 1.315-4.316,P=0.003), Serum Gas 6 level in the upper quartile was 5.573 times higher than Gas 6 in the lower quartile after correcting related factors (P=-0.002). Gonciusion Serum Gas 6 level which are closely associated with deep vein thrombosis, can be used as a new DVT treatment targets.
Contemporary Medicine