2011年以来,邯钢为适应钢铁市场的形势,对铁前原燃料结构进行了大幅度调整,大量配加低价料,焦炭灰分和硫分大幅升高,入炉品位大幅降低,为适应原燃料的变化,邯钢邯宝公司炼铁厂2座3 200m3高炉转变操作理念,运用高炉炉腹煤气量指数和透气阻力系数指导炉况操作,炉况保持了长期稳定顺行,经济技术指标大幅提高。
Handan Iron and Steel iron has substantially adjusted fuel structure, with a large number of low-cost ma- terials, coke ash and sulfur content and low grade ore since 2011, to adapt to the situation in the steel market. In or der to adapt to the changes of raw fuel, Hanbao Ironworks which has two 3 200 m3 blast furnace had changed opera- tion philosophy. BF bosh gas index and BF air resistance coefficient were used to guide the furnace operation. The furnace condition was maintained a long-term stable operation. Economic and technical indexes greatly increased.
China Metallurgy