
贵州野生茶树资源地理分布和形态特征与气候要素的关系 被引量:37

Geographical Distribution and Morphology of Wild Tea Germplasm Resources in Guizhou and Its Relationship with Climatic Factors
摘要 以81份树龄约100年以上的贵州野生茶树资源为材料,采用相关性分析探究其地理分布和形态特征与气候要素的关系。结果表明,81份资源分为茶组植物4种2变种,9份大厂茶(Camellia tachangensis)主要分布于温湿度较高的贵州西南部;9份秃房茶(C.gymnogya)主要分布在气候条件相似的贵州西北部;1份厚轴茶(C.crassicolumna)位于金沙马路;3份阿萨姆茶(C.assamica)分布在温湿度较高的广西贵州交界处;59份茶(C.sinensis)主要分布于贵州中西部,境内分布广泛。典型相关分析表明气候要素影响了81份资源的分布,如年降水量、年平均气温和年极端最低气温对秃房茶分布影响较大。秃房茶、厚轴茶及大厂茶乔木型、植株高大,叶大、革质或薄革质;阿萨姆茶小乔木型,叶大、无革质;59份茶以中叶种为主,品种多,形态多样,叶面积与年极端最高气温相关系数r为0.28(P<0.05)。贵州可能存在野生茶树资源秃房茶、大厂茶和茶的分布中心,气候要素影响了其分布、演化及部分形态特征。 In order to explore geographical distribution and morphology of old wild tea plants in Guizhou and clarify their relationship with climatic factors based on canonical and pearson correlation analysis, the eighty-one wild tea plants germplasm resources whose age were more than 100 years old were collected from natural condition in Guizhou. Eighty-one wild tea plants were classified as four species and two varietics of Sect. Thea (L.) Dyer. Nine plants of C. tachangensis were maily distributed in the in the southwestern Guizhou with high temperature and humidity. Nine plants of C. gymnogya were mainly distributed in northwestern Guizhou with similar climatic condition. One plant of C. crassicolumna was located in Malu town in Jinsha County. Three plants of C. assamica were distributed in the border of Guangxi and Guizhou provinces with higher temperature and humidity. Fifty-nine plants of C. sinensis, mainly distributed in the central and western Guizhou, were widely scattered in Guizhou province. By means of canonical correlation analysis, climatic factors had a great impact on geographic distribution of these eighty-one wild tea germplasm. For example, annual precipitation, annual mean air temperature and annual extreme minimum air temperature showed a more significant impact on the geographic distribution of C. gymnogya. C. gymnogya, C. crassicolumna and C. tachangensis species were arbor and large leaf with leather or thin leather. The C. assamica species was semi-arbor and large leaf without leather. The fifty-nine C. sinensis plants with diverse morphology, mainly consisted of middle shaped leaf varieties, and their leaf area was moderately positively correlated with annual extreme maximum air temperature (r=0.28, P〈0.05) . It was concluded that Guizhou possibly existed original distribution centers of wild tea plants containing C. gymnogya, C tachangensis and C. sinensis species, and climatic factors influenced their geographic distribution, evolution and partial morphology.
出处 《茶叶科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期517-525,共9页 Journal of Tea Science
基金 贵州省创新能力平台建设专项子项目[黔科合院所创新能(2010)4008-2] 贵州省科学技术基金[黔科合J字(2012)2203号]
关键词 野生茶树资源 地理分布 形态 气候要素 wild tea germplasm resources, geographical distribution, morphology, climatic factors
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