
Saudi License Plate Recognition Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine 被引量:2

Saudi License Plate Recognition Algorithm Based on Support Vector Machine
摘要 -License plate recognition (LPR) is an image processing technology that is used to identify vehicles by their license plates. This paper presents a license plate recognition algorithm for Saudi car plates based on the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The new algorithm is efficient in recognizing the vehicles from the Arabic part of the plate. The performance of the system has been investigated and analyzed. The recognition accuracy of the algorithm is about 93.3%. -License plate recognition (LPR) is an image processing technology that is used to identify vehicles by their license plates. This paper presents a license plate recognition algorithm for Saudi car plates based on the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The new algorithm is efficient in recognizing the vehicles from the Arabic part of the plate. The performance of the system has been investigated and analyzed. The recognition accuracy of the algorithm is about 93.3%.
出处 《Journal of Electronic Science and Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期424-428,共5页 电子科技学刊(英文版)
关键词 Image processing license platesrecognition systems support vector machine. Image processing, license platesrecognition systems, support vector machine.
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