目的 :探讨颅内肿瘤立体定向放射治疗 (SRT)后的 MR变化及意义。方法 :收集资料完整的 38例颅内肿瘤的 MR影像资料 ,其中胶质瘤 13例 ,脑膜瘤 7例 ,转移瘤 6例 ,听神经瘤 5例 ,生殖细胞瘤 4例 ,垂体瘤 2例 ,三叉神经瘤 1例。病例均采用 1.0 T超导型 MR扫描仪检查。结果 :颅内肿瘤立体定向放射后 MR发生以下变化 :(1)肿瘤中央长 TIW、T2 W信号改变 ,周边强化 ;(2 )瘤体失强化或囊变 ;(3)瘤灶变化可分为完全消失、明显缩小、轻度缩小或基本不变和增大 ;(4 )瘤周不同程度水肿。结论 :立体定向放射治疗后 ,肿瘤信号、病灶大小及瘤周可发生一系列生物学变化 ,MR能准确客观反映其变化特征 ,为临床确认颅内肿瘤性质 ,能否 SRT治疗或其他治疗提供可靠依据。
Objective:To detect MR feature and significance in brain tumors following stereotactic radiosurgery.Methods:38 patients who had MR examinations. 13 cases of them were glioma,7 cases were meningioma,6 cases were metestasic tumor,5 cases were acoustic meurinoma,2 cases were pituitary adenoma,1 cases was trigeminal neuroma.They were all been examed by 1.0T superconductive scanner.Results:The following changes had taken place after stereotactic radiosurgery:(1)The middle of tumors showed long-T1,long-T2 signals and the surroudings were enhanced,(2)The tumors lost of contrast-enhancement or formed cyst.(3)The change of the tumors arter SRT could be classsified completely disappear,marked decrease,slight decrease,unchanged and increased in size.(4)Peritumor edema in different degree.Conclusion:After stereotactic radiosurgery,the signals size,and surrounding of the turmors could show a series of biological changes.It could supply the reliable evidence for clinical doctor to confirm the characteristics of the tumors,wether can treat by SRT or not,or by other clinical treatments.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery