

Optimization of pressure setting at inlet of turbine
摘要 给出了机组性能指标的定义,论述了提高机组负荷速率的可行性,分析了机前压力设定值的优化原因,提出了优化方案。在保证全程滑压的基础上,对机前压力设定值进行了优化,找出既能保证机组压力稳定,又能满足电网快速动作要求的平衡点。 The definitions of performance indexes of power unit were given.The feasibility to increase the load variation rate of power unit was expounded.The reason of optimization of the pressure setting at inlet of the turbine was analyzed,and the optimization scheme was put forward.Based on guarantee of sliding pressure at all variable range,the pressure setting at inlet of the turbine was optimized,and the balance point was found,at which the stability of the unit pressure can be ensured,and the requirement of the power grid about higher load variation rate can be satisfied too.
出处 《华电技术》 CAS 2013年第11期39-40,53,共3页 HUADIAN TECHNOLOGY
关键词 机前压力设定值 负荷速率 优化 pressure setting at inlet of turbine load variation rate optimization
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