
阿尔茨海默病脑磁共振研究 被引量:1

A MRI study of Alzheimer's disease
摘要 目的 了解Alzheimer病(AD)脑结构性变化的特点及与健康老人增龄性改变的差异。方法 对22例AD和29例健康老人分别按年龄分为60~65岁、66~70岁和70岁以上三组,AD为adl、ad2和ad3组,健康老人为norl、nor2和nor3组。全部对象作MRI检查。结果 nor3的灰质体积、总脑脊液体积及右侧海马体积与nor1或nor2相比有显著差异;与健康老人相比,AD的灰质体积,双侧海马体积显著降低,而总脑脊液、脑室外脑脊液、侧脑室、三脑室和四脑室体积显著升高。结论 与健康老人增龄性变化相比,AD脑结构性改变的涉及范围广,变化幅度大。 Objectives: To identify the difference between the brain structural changes in Alzheimer's disease and the age-associated changes in healthy aging. Method: 22 AD cases and 29 healthy aging subjects were divided into 3 age groups: 60~65 years, 66~70 years and over 70 years, respectively, namely adl, ad2 and ad3 for AD group, norl, nor2 and nor3 for healthy group. MRI examinations were applied to all subjects. Results: The volumes of gray matter, total CSF and right hippocampus in nor 3 were significantly different to that in norl or nor2. The volumes of gray matter and bilateral hippocampi in AD were significantly lower than that in healthy subjects. The volumes of total CSF, extraventricular CSF, lateral ventricles, third ventricle and fourth ventricle were significantly higher in AD than that in healthy subjects. Conclusion: Compared with the age-associated changes in healthy aging subjects, the brain structural changes in AD were more significant and involved more brain regions.
出处 《上海精神医学》 2000年第4期190-193,共4页 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry
关键词 阿尔茨海默病 脑磁共振 诊断 Alzheimer's disease Magnetic resonance imaging
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