
体面劳动问题研究的新进展与未来研究展望 被引量:2

New Progress in the Study of Decent Work and Future Research Prospect
摘要 全球化加剧了劳资关系的不平衡状态,强资本弱劳工的局面得以维护并日益加强,资方为追求利益最大化而忽视劳动者利益的事情屡屡发生。随着转型时期经济社会改革的深入推进,劳资关系问题也越来越引起人们的关注并成为社会的焦点问题之一,全面实现体面劳动成为各级政府的重要方针,企业、各类劳动组织以及劳动者都对实现体面劳动发出了强烈的呼声。金融危机后体面劳动研究有了新进展,未来体面劳动问题研究也大有可为。 Globalization broke the equilibrium of labor relations, the pattern of the strong capital weak labor increasingly clear, in order to maximize the interests, the capital owner often ignore the rights and interests of the laborer. Along with the continuous deepening of the reform of economic and social transition period, the problems labor relation increasingly aroused people's concern and become one of the focus of social problems, fully realize decent work has become an important policy at all levels of government, enterprises, and all kinds of labor organizations and workers to achieve a decent labor issued a strong voice. After the financial crisis of decent work has made new progress, the future research will have a brilliant future of decent work After the financial crisis of decent work has made new progress, the future research will have a brilliant future of decent work.
出处 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2013年第11期18-23,共6页 Economy and Management
基金 教育部青年基金项目(11YJC630154)
关键词 体面劳动 劳资关系 经济全球化 国际劳工组织 包容式增长 社会公正 Decent work Labor relation Economic globalizatiot: ILO Inclusive growth Social justice
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