
社区营造——人文与自然的空间语言在规划设计中的融入与再生 被引量:3

Community Building——The Planning and Design of the Humanities and Natural Space in the Integration and Regeneration
摘要 伴随着我国现阶段经济建设和城市化进程的高速发展,我国的居住环境有了显著提高,但简单地强调住宅单体面积、通风、采光等物质指标,甚至以面积来评定小康住宅的标准,而对人文的关怀及心理情感伤的需求却放在极其次要的位置上,忽视了邻里之间交往的重要性,从而使得"家"与"园"的概念被剥离开来,造成居民对自己居住环境的认同感、领域感和归属感的缺失。本文探讨了要引发居民参与的社区营造模式应始于何处,建筑师应当如何通过设计手段引导和启发居民参与社区营造,利用这种居民参与的方式允许使用者对居住环境和使用功能进行改造和调整,进行再设计使居民成为居住环境的主体,为社区营造做出自己的贡献。居住者将个人的生活特征在参与中融入到居住环境中去,形成特殊的社区文化,居民对居住空间的认同感和归属感也在这个过程中逐渐深化。在这种模式中,设计师的任务便是在设计时为居民的参与活动留出空间。留出空间并不等同于简单的设计上的留白,相反,应如何利用设计手段,在有限的开放空间及半开放空间里融入人文及自然语言,引导和启发居民参与公共活动,从而达到居民共同参与社区营造的目的。 Accompany with the top speed shape of present stage of our country economic construction and urbanization progress, Our living environment has been improved greatly But simply emphasizes the housing monomer area, ventilation, material targets and so on natural lighting, even evaluates the well-off housing by the area the standard, but actually places in the extremely secondary position to the humanities concern and the psychological sentiment sad demand, has neglected the importance which between the neighborhood associates, thus causes "the family" and "the garden" the concept is stripped, creates the resident to own environment sympathy, the territorial sense and the sense of belonging. This paper probes into the community residents in to start building mode should be how should go. How should the architect through the design of means to guide and inspire residents to participate in community development, the use of residents in a way that allows the user to use the features on the living environment and to transform and adjust, re-designed so that the residents become the main body of the living environment for community building contribute. Life of the individual characteristics of residents in the participation into the living environment to form a unique community culture, the residents living space of identity and belonging also to deepen the process of gradually.. In this mode, the designer's task is in the design of participation activities for the residents to stay out of space.
作者 唐裔
出处 《中外建筑》 2013年第12期84-87,共4页 Chinese & Overseas Architecture
关键词 开敞空间 公众参与 人文 引导 启发 the opening space Userparticipation humanities Induct and attract
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