
四川省肿瘤登记地区肿瘤发病和死亡资料分析 被引量:11

Incidence and Mortality of Cancer in the Registered Regions of Sichuan in 2009
摘要 目的了解2009年四川省肿瘤登记覆盖地区恶性肿瘤发病与死亡情况。方法对四川省5个肿瘤登记点上报2009年肿瘤登记资料进行审核与评价,选取肿瘤登记数据质量达标的3个登记点,收集肿瘤登记数据,计算肿瘤发病(死亡)率、年龄别发病(死亡)率等指标。结果纳人分析的3个肿瘤登记点2009年报告肿瘤新发病例4667例,死亡3192例。恶性肿瘤发病率310.6/10万(男性377.9/10万,女性239.3/10万),城市地区发病率263.4/10万,农村地区379.8/10万。发病率35岁“年龄组开始快速升高,80岁~时处于最高水平。恶性肿瘤死亡率212.5/10万(男性270.2/10万,女性151.2/10万),城市地区死亡率150.4/10万,农村地区303.2/10万。死亡率35岁~年龄组开始较为快速升高,70岁一开始迅速升高并无下降趋势。全省肿瘤登记地区恶性肿瘤发病率居前几位的是胃癌、肺癌、食管癌、肝癌、直肠癌、乳腺癌,发病前10位的恶性肿瘤占全部恶性肿瘤发病的79.12%。死亡率居前几位的是胃癌、肺癌、食管癌、肝癌、直肠癌,死亡居前10位的恶性肿瘤占全部恶性肿瘤死亡的85.09%。结论胃癌、肺癌、食管癌、直肠癌、肝癌、乳腺癌是威胁我省肿瘤登记地区居民健康的主恶性肿瘤,应作为防控重点。 Objective To analyze the cancer incidence and mortality in the cancer registered regions in Sichuan. Methods The cancer registry data in 2009 from the 5 cancer registered centers were reviewed and 3 of which were finally qualified for analyzing. Incidence (mortality) rates, age - specific incidence (mortality) rates, age -standardized incidence (mortality) rates were descriptively analyzed. Results The total reported cancer cases and deaths were respectively 4667 and 3192. The average incidence of cancer were 310. 6/105 (377.9/ 105for male and 239.3/105 for female) ; the incidence in urban and rural areas were respectively 263.4/105 and 379.8/105 respectively. The incidence at each age group rose quickly from 35 -years age group and reached at the highest level in 80 - years old age group. The average cancer mortality was 212.5/105 (270.2/ 105 for male and 151.2/105 female). Mortality in urban areas and rural areas in Sichuan were 150. 4/105 and 303.2/105, respectively. The mortality rose from 35 -years old age group and speeded up from 70 -years age group with no downward trend. Incidence of gastric cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, rectum cancer and female breast cancer ranked at the top of all kinds of cancers and the incidence of top 10 canc- ers accounted for 79. 12% of the cases. Mortality of gastile cancer, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, rectum cancer ranked at the top and the mortality of the top 10 cancers accounted for 85.09% cancer deaths. Conclusion Gastric cancer, lung cancer, esopha- geal cancer, rectum cancer, liver cancer and female breast cancer are the major cancers threatening the health of the residents in the cancer registry areas of Sichuan, and thus cancer prevention and should be stressed.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2013年第11期918-923,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 肿瘤登记 恶性肿瘤 发病率 死亡率 流行病学 cancer registry cancer incidence mortality epidemiology
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