目的:了解邛崃市医疗中心医院门急诊用药基本情况,为提高合理用药水平提供参考。方法:随机抽取我院门急诊2012年1—12月处方7 200张,以《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》等相关法规为依据,对抽取处方进行点评,并将结果整理分析。结果:我院门急诊处方抗菌药物使用率为30.01%,其中门诊处方抗菌药物使用率为20.14%,急诊处方抗菌药物使用率为39.89%;不合理处方246张,以用药不适宜处方和不规范处方为主,不合理处方占处方总量的3.42%。结论:我院门急诊处方仍然存在一些不合理用药之处,需要医师和药师共同努力,不断提高处方质量,以促进门急诊合理用药水平的整体提升。
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the outpatient & emergency prescriptions in Qionglai Municipal Medical Center Hospital so as to provide reference for improving the level of rational use of drugs. METHODS : 7 200 outpatient & emergency prescriptions were selected randomly from our hospital during Jan. -Dec. period of 2012 for comment and analysis in accordance with "Prescription Management Method", "Hospital prescription Review Management Practices (Trial) " and the relevant regulations. RESULTS: The rates of antibiotic use in outpatient & emergency prescriptions, outpatient prescriptions and emergency prescriptions stood at 30.01%, 20. 14% and 39. 89%, respectively. The irrational prescriptions totaled 246, accounting for 3.42% of total prescriptions, mainly the irrational-medication prescriptions and non-standard prescriptions. CONCLUSION: Irrational drug use still exists in outpatient and emergency prescriptions of our hospital, so improve the quality of the prescription and prescriptions. physicians and pharmacists should cooperate well with each other to promote the level of rational use of drugs in outpatient & emergency
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Outpatient prescription
Emergency prescription
Rational use of drug
Comment on prescription