
工商管理学科的基础理论与研究方法 被引量:4

On Fundamental Theories and Research Methodology of the Discipline of Business Administration
摘要 本文首先提出,应该明确工商管理(或整个管理学)学科的主题是"激励与约束",否则就会偏离方向、舍本求末。中国从经济学门类中将工商管理划分成独立学科,有利有弊,而最大的问题是工商管理学科没有独立的理论基础,只好借助于经济学和心理学。进而指出,工商管理教育中存在的常见几个理论误区,如对"损益平衡分析"中关键概念的混用,对"产业等于市场"假设条件的忽视,对"成本加成定价法"外部条件的忽略等。这些误区的出现,根源就在于工商管理学科理论基础薄弱。一些教师没有受过经济学的系统训练,因而会出现"重术轻道"的现象。本文最后强调,案例方法不仅是教学方法,更是研究方法,并总结出案例研究方法的性质及注意事项,如定性与定量、实验与观察、单案例研究与多案例研究。 One of most important features for the discipline is to set up a clear theme since it is the foundation for building up the theories and methodology as a whole. Especially in China, business administration singled out from traditional economics subject which is quite different from the internationally recognized classification on economics discipline such as JEL (Journal of Economic Literature Classification Codes ) classification. The paper mainly focuses on the theme of incentives and constraints for the business administration discipline by way of clarif- ying several theoretical misunderstandings as well as specifying the comparatively effective research methodology of case study. Firstly, the paper clarifies that the theme of the discipline of business administration should be incentives and constraints. Compared to the theme of monopoly and competition on economics discipline, there is no consensus on the theme of business administration discipline in China till now. The theme of incentives and constraints can help us to build up fundamental theories which are more applicable to China' s economy. Business administration can take advantage of economics and psychology as its theoretical basis of which the combination could be better ex- plains the theme of incentives and constraints, because economics emphasizes economic rationality whilst psychol- ogy stresses on psychological rationality. Secondly, based on this theme, the basic requirements for the discipline innovation should be problem - orien- ted such as Seeking Truth from Facts. It is well known in China that practice is the sole criterion of truth. Tt is right that practice is a starting point, through the process of seeking, we finally get the truth. Furthermore, a key to influence on theoretical innovation for the discipline of business administration is that we fail to put problem - orien- ted into action. That is to say, it is difficult to find a scientific problem from so complicated issues. Thus, even we follow the rule of seeking truth from facts ; no good results could be produced. And then, the principles of the disci- pline innovation should be the reverse of the cart before the horse. Just like Maslow~ hierarchy of needs, Hierarchy of Problems should be established. There are four hierarchies from low level to high level, issues, questions, prob- lems and paradoxes. And also they should be complied with Hierarchy of Management which I' ve ever mentioned previously in another paper. Thirdly, there are several theoretical misunderstandings on the education of business administration. One is the confusion of some key concepts when doing break - even analysis. The second is the ignorance on industry is market hypothesis. The third is the overlook of external environment on Cost-Plus Pricing. In fact, cost plus pricing is often misused under the central planning economies. Finally, research methodology of case study is under discussion since it is methodology in both teaching and researching. Case study stands out due to its dual characteristics of science and arts. As for works on business administration, the higher level of management they have, the more arts they will require. MBA and EMBA students rely on more arts than those of undergraduates who depend on more science.
作者 于立
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期172-181,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 管理学主题 激励与约束 “产业等于市场”假设 案例研究方法 the theme of business administration incentives and constraints industry is market hypothesis research methodology of case study
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