针对济宁三号煤矿63下04-1综合机械化固体充填采煤工作面回采过程中出现遗煤自燃的问题,通过对该工作面采空区及相邻工作面采空区的自然发火条件进行综合分析,判断自然发火位置,根据固体充填采煤工作面的火源位置高、充填体不密实、采空区范围广、漏风半径大、自燃发展速度快等难点,采用工作面封闭、注氮、均压、注液态二氧化碳等防灭火方法治理遗煤自燃,监测结果表明:治理后,火区内的一氧化碳体积分数由7 231×10-6降至24×10-6以下,乙烯体积分数由129×10-6降至0,乙炔体积分数由6.47×10-6降至0,采空区遗煤自燃得到了有效治理。
According to the residual coal spontaneous combustion occurred in the mining process of No.63d 04-1 fully-mechanized solid backfill coal mining face in .lining No.3 Mine, a comprehensive analysis was conducted on the spontaneous combustion conditions of the goal in coal mining face and the goal in neighboring coal mining face to judge the locations of spontaneous combustion.According to the dif- ficulties in the solid backfill coal mining face, for example, the fire source was high, the backfill mass was imperfect compacted, the goaf scope was wide, the air leakage radius was large, the spontaneous combustion speed was fast and others, so the coal mining face sealed, ni- trogen injection, equalized pressure, liquid carbon dioxide injection, and other fire prevention and control methods were applied to control the residual coal spontaneous combustion.The monitoring results showed that after the fire controlled ,the carbon monoxide volume fraction in the fire zone would be reduced from 7 231x 10-6 to below 24x 10-6, ethylene volume fraction would be reduced from 129x 10-6 to O, acet- ylene volume fraction would be reduced from 6.47x 10-6 tO O, the residual coal spontaneous combustion in the goaf was effectively controlled.
Coal Science and Technology
solids backfill
fully-mechanized coal mining face
spontaneous combustion
equalized pressure
liquid carbon dioxide