采用青贮玉米自交系间杂交、田间农艺性状选择和实验室品质分析的方法 ,育成适宜青贮专用玉米新品种“沪青一号”。该品种具有营养成分结构好 ,含量高 ;抗倒性强 ;产量高 ,单株绝干重达 2 57.4 g,单位面积鲜重约 6 750 0 kg/ hm2 ,目前正在推广之中。
Silage corn variety “Huqing No.1”, fit to be planted in Shanghai southeastern coastal high humid areas liable to be attacked by typhoons and rainstorms, is selected and bred from the progeny of the single cross of two self lines through field selection for better agronomic characters and laboratory analysis for high quality. It is characterized by high quality, lodging resistance and high yield. The dry weight per plant of “Huqing No.1” is 257.4g on an average , the fresh weight of silage corn per unit area is about 67500kg/hm 2. “Huqing No.1” is being extended in the southeastern coastal areas in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, ect..
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai