为了实现实时监控,设计了一种以ARM9芯片S3C2440为核心的智能监控系统。Nordic公司的nRF24L01芯片解决主控模块和电子标签的互相通信,实现远距离射频识别,工作于2.45 G。在房间内有东西被移出后,OV9650摄像头能够实时采集房间内的视频信息,并及时显示在群创3.7英寸TFT LCD屏上。实验结果表明,该设计运行稳定,是智能监控的一种有效解决方案。
In order to achieve real-time monitoring, a new smart monitoring system based on S3C2440 is presented. The core module communicate with the tags through the nRF24L01, it solve the problem of long distance radio frequency identification. When something is removed from the room, the OV9650 camera collect the real-time video of the room and this video can be displayed on the Innolux TFI" LCD screen in time. Experimental results show that the system can run stable for a long time, and it is an effective solution for smart monitoring.
Electronic Design Engineering