
科里奥利力对冷原子干涉重力仪的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Coriolis Force in Atom Interferometry Gravimeter
摘要 基于转动参考系运动学公式确定原子波包在测试平台参考系中的经典运动轨迹,并求解干涉相位解析表达式。通过三脉冲冷原子干涉重力仪精确数学模型,分析了科里奥利力对重力加速度测量的影响,并在此基础上介绍了美国加利福尼亚大学Lan Shau-Yu提出的旋转补偿法,从理论上论证了这种方法确实能提高干涉对比度,但在抵消科里奥利力影响的同时又会引入更大的系统误差。 The classical trajectory of atom wave packets was determined on the basis of dynamics formula in the reference frame co-rotating with test platform and the analytical expression of interference phase shift was derived from the trajectory.Through the precise mathematical model of three light-pulses cold atom interferometry gravimeter,the influence of Coriolis force on gravity measurement was analyzed,and a compensation method proposed by Shau-Yu Lan in University of California was introduced,which was proved to be useful in improving fringe contrast.However,it would lead into a larger systematic error when the influence of Coriolis force was somewhat weakened.
出处 《量子光学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期317-323,共7页 Journal of Quantum Optics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51275523)
关键词 原子干涉 重力仪 经典运动轨迹 科里奥利力 旋转补偿 atom interferometry gravimeter classical trajectory Coriolis force rotating compensation
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