
机油消耗量对增压柴油机排放影响的试验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on the Effect of Oil Consumption on Emissions of a Turbocharged Diesel Engine
摘要 在一台直喷水冷增压柴油机上,分别选择不同型号的活塞环和气门油封进行台架性能试验,测量机油消耗量及废气排放物.研究结果表明:选用刮油效果较好的活塞环和密封效果较好的气门油封,机油燃油百分比降低了73.2%;CO、HC和NO_x等排放物均有不同程度的降低,但是变化幅度不大,而颗粒排放物则降低了26.9%,降低效果非常明显. Different types of the piston rings and the valve seals were chosen to analyze the influence on oil consumption and emissions of a direct-injection water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine. The results showed that, if selecting the piston rings with better quality in oil scraping effect and the valve seals with good sealing effect, the percentage of oil fuel ratio decreased 73.2% , the emissions from CO, HC and NOx decreased slightly, and the particulate matter reduced 26. 9%.
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2013年第4期26-29,共4页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 柴油机 颗粒(PM) 机油消耗量 Diesel engine Particulate matter (PM) Oil consumption
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