
天津黄精属植物的资源考察 被引量:5

Resourses survey of Polygonatum plants in Tianjin
摘要 【目的】对天津所辖区域黄精属植物进行系统普查,确定品种分类、分布区域,估测各品种的蕴藏量,为进一步开发利用奠定基础。【方法】采用系统抽样法(样方法)和分层抽样法,设置代表区域→样带→样地→样方的梯度分层调查路线,结合线路踏查,考察黄精属植物各种类的频度和密度,测其生物量,计算蕴藏量。【结果】天津区域黄精属植物分布广泛,有黄精、热河黄精、小玉竹、玉竹4种,其蕴藏量约为1.056×10^6、6.98×10^5、3.45×10^5、1.26×10^5kg。适宜生于海拔200—950m的林下、灌丛等阴湿地带。黄精、玉竹主要分布在黄崖关-九山顶、八仙山区域,小玉竹在黄崖关一九山顶、九龙山区域有较大分布,热河黄精集中分布在盘山、九龙山区域。【结论】天津野生黄精属植物品种较多,蕴藏量丰富,有较大开发价值。 [Objective] A systematic survey of Polygonatum plants in Tianjin has been made to determine the species classification and distribution area, estimate the reserves, lay the foundation for the further development and utilization. [Methods] The systematic sample method (sample method) and stratified sample method were adopted and setting a graded survey and stratified route were set, which in- cluded representative region→belt transect→sample plot→quadrat to investigate the frequencies and densities, measure biomasses and then calculate the reserves of all varieties. [Results] The Polygonatum plants, including P. sibiricum Red., P. macropodum Turcz., P. humile Fisch. ex Maxim. and P. odoratum (Mill.) Druce are widely distributed in Tianjin, These four kinds of plants are suitable to growth in the understory, shrub and dank strip of the altitude of 200 to 950 m. The reserves are about 1.056×10^6、6.98×10^5、3.45×10^5、1.26×10^5kg. The P. sibiricum Red. and P. odoratum (Mill.) Druce are mainly distributed in Huangyaguan-Jiushanding and Baxianshan area; the P. humile Fisch. ex Maxim. are mostly distributed in Huangyaguan-Jiushanding and Jiulongshan area; the P. macropodum Turcz. are mainly located in Panshan and Jiulongshan area. [Conclusion] The various wild Polygonatum plants in Tianjin have abundant reserves having greater development value.
机构地区 天津中医药大学
出处 《天津中医药》 CAS 2013年第12期749-753,共5页 Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 天津市科技支撑计划项目(10ZCZDSY12400) 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(10YFYBJC11200)
关键词 天津 黄精属 蕴藏量 分布规律 Tianjin Polygonatum reserve regularity of distribution
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