
领导力与组织创新:外派管理人员回任适应的调节作用 被引量:3

Leadership and Organization Innovation:Moderation Effect of Expatriate Manager's Repatriate Adjustment
摘要 随着全球化的不断推进,创新能力成为跨国公司获取国际竞争优势的核心要素,外派管理人员所形成的领导力对母公司在全球竞争中维持与提高创新能力产生重要影响,研究外派管理人员领导力、回任适应及其对母公司组织创新的作用关系,成为现阶段中国企业获取创新优势需迫切探讨的问题。研究表明:回任适应对组织创新中管理创新维度和技术创新维度没有直接作用,但在共启愿景和回任工作绩效维度的交互作用中,在回任工作绩效高的情况下,共启愿景越高,管理创新就越强;在激励人心与回任工作满意度的交互作用中,在回任工作满意度高的情况下,激励人心越高,技术创新就越强。 Organization innovation is becoming the core strength in the globe competition with the develop- ment of globalization. As the parent's key employees repatriates gradually have the leadership during they achieved the oversea assignments, and they can affect the MNCs" performance. There is an important problem researching the relationship of expatriates managers" leadership, repatriate adjustment and the parent company organization innovation. This paper suggested: there was no direct effect of repatriate adjustment on manage- ment innovation and technology innovation, but under the condition of the high repatriate job performance in the interaction of common vision dimension and repatriate job performance, the higher was common vision, the stronger was management innovation; under the condition of the repatriate job satisfaction in the interaction of inspiring with the employees dimension and repatriate job satisfaction, the higher was inspiring with the em- ployees. The stronger was technology innovation.
出处 《上海市经济管理干部学院学报》 2013年第6期6-18,共13页 Journal of Shanghai Economic Management College
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"外派管理人员回任适应 领导力及其对母公司组织创新影响研究"(项目号:10YJC630098)
关键词 变革型领导力 组织创新 外派管理人员 回任适应 Transformational leadership organization innovation expatriate manager repatriate adjustment
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