根据《企业水平衡试验通则》(GB/T 12452-2008)、《火力发电厂能量平衡导则》(DL/T606.5-2009)第5部分:水平衡试验要求,对西南地区某电厂4×300MW机组进行全厂水平衡试验,掌握了电厂用水现状和各用水系统取、用、排之间的定量关系,绘制了水量平衡图,并针对现有用水状况进行节水分析,提出了电厂节水优化建议。
According to requirements of GB/T 12452-2008((The general principles of water balance test in enterpris-es〉〉,DL/T 606.5-2009((Guide for energy balance of thermal power plant Part 5 : water balance test〉〉 ,water intake,utilization, draining situation of a power plant 4 ~ 300MW units in southwest area were investigated, then water balance test was carried out. The present situation and problems of each water consumption system were mastered, and the whole plant water balance diagram was plotted. In view of the existing water condition, evaluation and optimization suggestion for water saving were put forward.