
新西兰Otago大学化学实验教学特色与借鉴 被引量:1

Chemistry Experiment Teaching in Otago University and Its Enlightenment
摘要 对新西兰Otago大学化学系的化学实验教学调研结果表明,Otago大学化学系在化学实验教学的教学组织与技术保障工作的主要做法是:课程体系设置突出了化学学科的实践特性,注重实验教学师资队伍建设,为教学和科研设立了专门的技术保障岗位,在实验教学过程中坚持"以人为本"的教学思想。这些做法为实验教学提供了高效的技术保障,确保了高水平的实验教学质量。 According to research on the experiment teaching of the department of chemistry of Otago University, introduced their main practices on chemical experimental teaching organization and technical support. Research results show that, because they highlight the practical characteristic of chemistry discipline in the curriculum system settings, pay great attention to the construction of the teaching staff, establish technical support jobs, and adhere to the " people - oriented" teaching ideas. These practices provide efficient technical support, and ensure a high level of the quality of experimental teaching.
出处 《高等教育研究学报》 2013年第B10期118-120,共3页 Journal of Higher Education Research
基金 国防科学技术大学教育教学研究课题(U2012106)
关键词 Otago大学 化学实验教学 教师队伍建设 教学保障 Otago University chemical experimental teaching construction of teaching staff technical support
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  • 1Faye Wilson-Hill & Judy van Rossem,"Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools:Lessons from an Educator's Perspective",paper presented to the Australian Association for Environmental Education Biennial Conference "The Future Is Here",Jan.15-19,2001,Melbourne,Australia.
  • 2Ministry for the Environment of New Zealand,Environment 2010 Strategy:A Statement of the Government's Strategy on the Environment,4-5,1995.
  • 3Ministry for the Environment of New Zealand,Learning to Care for Our Environment,3,1998.,16,1998.
  • 4Ministry of Education of New Zealand,Guidelines for Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools.http://www.tki.org.nz
  • 5Ministry for the Environment of New Zealand,Resource Management Act,8,1991.
  • 6Environment Waikato.http://www.swktodc.govt.nz/district/environment/env-waikato.asp.
  • 7Ministry for the Environment of New Zealand,Learning to Care for Our Environment,27,1998.





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