
基于成本-碳排放权衡的物流网络设计问题研究 被引量:8

Trade-Offs between Cost and Carbon Emissions in Logistics Network Design
摘要 随着节能减排政策的实施,许多企业在设计物流网络时开始考虑对环境的影响。研究了基于成本-碳排放权衡的物流网络设计问题,提出一个多目标整数规划模型来确定物流中心的个数、位置、客户区指派到物流中心的策略以及为客户区分配的车辆类型和车辆数量。应用标准化正规化约束法求解多目标问题的Pareto前沿。通过一个实例,说明标准化正规化约束法求解多目标问题的有效性,分析了物流成本与碳排放之间的权衡关系,得到的Pareto前沿表明增加较少的物流成本,能够较大程度地降低碳排放。最后,对影响模型的重要参数做了灵敏度分析,得出影响物流成本和碳排放的主要因素。 With the implementation of energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction,many enterprises take the impacts on the environment into consideration in the design of logistics network.This paper addresses logistics network design problem based on trade-offs between cost and carbon emissions.A multi-objective integer programming which optimizes the cost and carbon emissions simultaneously is developed to determine the numbers and locations of the logistics center,the assignment of customer areas to the logistics center and the vehicle types and the number of vehicles to each customer areas.Then we use normalized normal constraint method to solve the multi-objective programming to get Pareto frontier.The test result validates that the performance of the normalized normal constraint method is effective.We analyzed trade-off relations between the logistics cost and carbon emissions.The Pareto frontier show that we can reduce the carbon emission greatly with smaller sacrifice in logistics cost.Finally,the sensitivity analysis is conducted for important parameters of the model.We get the main factors that affect the logistics cost and carbon emissions.
出处 《工业工程与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第5期61-66,73,共7页 Industrial Engineering and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70871044 71172093) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC630331)
关键词 碳排放 多目标规划 标准化正规化约束法 PARETO前沿 carbon emissions multi-objective programming normalized normal constraint method pareto frontier
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