
政策扩散、政策转移和政策趋同——基于概念、类型与发生机制的比较 被引量:49

Policy Diffusion,Policy Transfer and Policy Convergence:A Comparison Based on Conception,Approach and Mechanism
摘要 政策扩散、政策转移和政策趋同都关注公共政策的相似性变化,却分属比较公共政策领域的不同研究分支。它们自成体系,但研究视角有互补性。政策扩散关注引起政策变化的条件,政策转移关心发生转移的内容,而政策趋同则把研究焦点放在政策结果上。厘清三者在概念、类型和发生机制上的区别与联系,一方面能有效避免研究混用,另一方面能促进对三者的整合应用,从而提升政策变迁理论对相似性政策选择实践的解释力。 Policy diffusion, policy transfer and policy convergence are all concerned in the study of similar policy adop- tion and belong to different subfields in Comparative Public Policy. However, eaeh of them has its own research emphasis. With some complements on research perspectives, policy diffusion focuses on causal conditions, policy transfer on policy content, and policy eonvergenee on policy outcome. It is meaningful to distinguish them not only for avoiding eonfusions ef- fectively but also for creating new integrated approach on them in application, thus the explanative capacity of policy change theory on the adoption of similar polices would be largely enhanced.
作者 陈芳
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期8-16,共9页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 政策扩散 政策转移 政策趋同 policy diffusion, policy transfer, policy convergence
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