文章对广东省 115个有农村初保任务的县 (市、区 )进行了一次针对省级审评结果的分指标分析 ,结果表明 ,全省初保审评平均总得分为 85 .43± 5 .7。115个县级单位中有 94个达标 ,余 2 1个为基本达标。从指标的得分情况看 ,各大项指标的得分率均超过标准分值的 6 0 % ,得分率超过标准分值 70 %以上的指标数占总指标数的 90 .7%。从 12项大指标 33项分指标的进一步分析表明 ,大多数分指标的完成率较高 ,表明广东省农村初级卫生保健工作已取得显著的成效。全面分析也发现 ,有少数分指标在少数县级单位的得分率还比较低 ,甚至有零的现象 ,事实说明农村初级卫生保健是一项十分艰巨的工作 ,要取得圆满的答案 。
The results from an analysis on 33 classified indexes of the 'HFA/2000' program in 115 counties in Guangdong province indicated that Guangdong has made a great progress in conducting primary health care in the rural areas. Most of the classified indexes have reached the higher levels of the criteria launched by the nation. However, some of the classified indexes remain difficulties to be resolved and this means that Guangdong has a long way to go to reach the goal-health for all.
Chinese Rural Health Service Administration