
不同玉米/花生间作模式对土壤微生物量及产量的影响 被引量:9

The Impact of Intercropping on the Yield and Soil Microorganism of Different Peanut and Corn
摘要 为了探究不同玉米/花生间作条件下地下部土壤微生态环境,采用大田试验研究了不同玉米/花生间作条件下作物根区土壤微生物量和产量状况的变化特征。结果表明,在一定程度上,间作可以提高土壤微生物的整体代谢活性和群落结构多样性,其中玉米/花生间作12垄,细菌高出对照62.5%、真菌是对照6倍、放线菌是对照8倍。不同的间作模式对经济效益的影响也是相当大,其中间作玉米/花生间作12垄高出玉米/花生间作4垄23.6%,玉米/花生间作8垄高出玉米/花生间作4垄22.5%。综合评价认为,玉米与花生间作最佳比例为4:12或12:12。辽宁省花生产区多为风沙土,土壤易风蚀,而且花生又忌连作,采用玉米花生间作对防风蚀、防重茬具有重要的作用。 In order to explore the corn peanut intercropping conditions soil micro environment,through field trials under intercropping corn peanut crop root zone soil microbial biomass and intercropping yield condition comparative study. The results showed that,intercropping could improve the overall metabolic activity of the soil microbial community structure diversity,to some extent,which intercropping 12 ridge corn 12 ridge peanuts,62.5% higher than the control bacteria,fungi control 6 times,the actinomycetes control 8 times.Different intercropping pattern of economic benefits was quite large,including corn-peanut intercropping 12ridge above the corn-peanut intercropping 4 ridge 23.6%,corn-peanut intercropping 8 ridge above the corn-peanut intercropping 4 ridge 22.5%. The comprehensive evaluation think,corn and peanut intercropping the best ratio was 4:12 or 12:12. The province flower production area of aeolian sandy soil easily wind erosion and peanut avoid cropping corn peanut intercropping on anti-erosion has an important role in anti-cropping.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2013年第33期233-236,共4页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 "十二五"农村领域国家科技计划"农业购买性资源适量化投入关键技术集成与示范"(2012BAD14B04) "花生国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项"(CARS-14) 辽宁省农业攻关计划"花生高产高效栽培技术与示范"(2011201030)
关键词 玉米 花生 间作 微生物量 经济效益 corn peanuts intercropping microflora economic benefit
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