
澳大利亚对华政策调整——对比分析2009及2013澳大利亚国防白皮书 被引量:1

Australia'China Policy Adjustment — a Comparative Study of 2009 and 2013 Australia Defense White Paper
摘要 2013年5月,澳大利亚公布了新的国防白皮书,其中最引人注目的是明确表示不再将中国视为"威胁",欢迎中国崛起。这与2009年澳大利亚国防白皮书形成鲜明对比,当时澳大利亚认为中国崛起可能构成对地区和平与安全的潜在威胁。澳大利亚对华政策的调整原因颇多,包括澳大利亚经济发展需要中国市场的支持、澳本国战略利益需要、澳民众对中国发展的认可,以及澳政府对过去、当前及未来外交实践的再反思和评估。 In May 2013, Australia announced a new defense white paper, whose most striking feature is that Australia no longer views China as a "threat" and welcomes China' s rise. This new policy marks Canberra' s positive shift from its previous attitude to- wards China reflected in its 2009 defense white paper which viewed China' s rise as a "potential threat" to the regional peace and stability. The reasons behind this change are multifaceted including Australia' s need of China for its economic growth, Australia' s strategic interest in the region, the increasing Australian public recognition of China' s importance to Australia, and Canberra' s re- consideration and reevaluation of its diplomatic performance, past, present and in the future.
作者 李洪斌
出处 《鸡西大学学报(综合版)》 2013年第12期41-44,共4页 JOurnal of Jixi University:comprehensive Edition
关键词 中澳关系 政策调整 澳大利亚国防白皮书 China - Australia relations policy adjustment Australia' s defense white paper
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