根据陌生观叶植物喜阴喜湿的生物学特性,研究了该类植物试管苗移栽前后的一系列配套技术,摸索出了其最佳移栽程序,即苗龄达 80 d,苗高 1cm,有 4 片以上叶子的试管苗先进行 3 d~15 d闭瓶壮苗培养,再作 7 d~10 d开瓶炼苗处理,移植于蛭石后定期用300倍~500倍百菌清药液和特制营养液进行叶面喷洒。按照此程序进行试管苗移栽,成活率均在95%以上。
A series of techniques and best procedure for transplanting shade leaf plant tube seedlings was studied in the light of their biological characteristics. Tube seedlings at the age of 80 d, 1 cm height, and at least 4 leaves should be cultured for strengthening for 3 d to 15 d, and then for adapting for 7 d to 10 d. After transplanting, 300 times to 500 times Baijunqing and special nutrient solution should be sprayed on the leaves regularly. This procedure of transplanting can result a survival rate of 95% and over.
Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology