组培工厂化育苗中,耗电费用、和人员工资是两项最大的投资,分别占总成本的36. 54%和 34. 23%,而基本建设和化学药品仅占到其中的很小部分,分别为 2. 50%和2.27%。进行阴生观叶花木组培工厂化育苗在建厂当年投入产出比可达到1:6.5。
Power and salary are the two largest costs to industrialization tissue culture,amounting to 36. 54% and 34. 23% of the total costs respectively,while the basic construction and chemicals account for only a little part, 2. 50% and 2. 27% respectively. The cost output rate in the year of the factory has established may amount to l: 6. 5 to industrialization tissue culture of shade leaf plants.
Shanxi Forestry Science and Technology