
发挥地域文化资源优势 丰富文化强省建设内涵——河北省第八届社会科学学术年会综述 被引量:1

Giving Full Play to the Advantages of Regional Culture Resources Enriching the Connotation of Construction of Culture Strong Province——A Summary of the Eighth Academic Annual Conference of Social and Science in Hebei Province
摘要 河北地域文化资源丰富,深度挖掘和整合地域文化资源、创新文化资源利用模式、打造特色鲜明的文化创意品牌是丰富文化强省建设内涵的关键。本届年会以"地域文化资源与文化强省建设"为主题,围绕河北省地域文化资源的挖掘与传承、管理与保护、开发与利用、推介与交流等理论和现实问题,进行了广泛而深入的研讨与交流。提出了京畿文化是燕赵文化在新的历史条件下新的发展和具体的表现形式;发动各级文化部门,广建"非遗"保护平台;在红色旅游背景下开发保定抗战影视音乐文化;梳理河北与海外汉学的关系,打造河北文化建设的新平台;推行"菜单式服务",增加与提升群众文化活动的自主选择性;加强区域对接和人才引进,提升文化产业发展层次和水平等创新性观点。 There were abundant regional cultural resources in Hebei province. To excavate and integrate the regional culture resource, innovate the cultme resource utilization mode, create distinctive culture brand was the key to enrich the connotation of construction of culture strong province. The topic of annual conference was "the regional culture resources and construction of culture strong province". Scholars made extensive discussion and communication around theory and practical problems of regional culture resouw.es, such as mining and inheritance, development and utilization, protection and management, promotion and communication and so on. Put forward the following innovative ideas: Jingji culture is the new development and concrete manifestation about Yanzhao culture under the new historical conditions; construct "intangible cultural heritage" protection platform by mobilizing cultural departments at all levels; develop Baoding Anti-Japanese War film and television music culture under the background of red tourism; comb the relationship between Hebei and overseas sinology, and promote the Hebei cultural construction of the new platform; to implement "service menu", increase and promote the selectivity of the autonomy of mass cultural activities; strengthen regional connection and introducing talents, improve the level and technology of culture industry development and so on.
作者 卢萌
机构地区 保定学院科研处
出处 《保定学院学报》 2013年第6期129-132,共4页 Journal of Baoding University
关键词 社会科学 地域文化资源 文化强省建设 燕赵文化 学术动态 social and sciences regional culture resources construction of culture strong province Yanzhao culture academic trends
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