
碳纤维布加固古建筑木结构基于结构潜能和能量耗散地震破坏评估 被引量:7

Potential and Energy Dissipation-Based Seismic Damage Evaluation of Ancient Timber Structure Strengthened with CFRP
摘要 为了评估古建筑木结构加固后的抗震性能以及研究加固结构在各工况地震作用下的破坏过程及对应的破坏状态,基于碳纤维布加固燕尾榫柱架和枓栱铺作层低周反复荷载作用下的滞回特性和能量耗散原理,计算了两耗能元件在低周反复荷载作用下的"抵抗破坏潜能";借助碳纤维布加固古建筑木结构振动台试验,计算了各工况地震作用下每一耗能元件所耗散的能量,基于构件的"抵抗破坏潜能"和各工况下的地震耗能建立了耗能元件在不同地震作用下的地震破坏评估模型,并借助能量分配系数找出了各耗能元件破坏状态与整体加固结构破坏状态之间的关系,建立了整体加固结构在不同地震作用下的破坏评估模型。应用该地震破坏评估模型,定量计算了碳纤维布加固燕尾榫柱架和枓栱铺作层、整体加固结构在各工况地震作用下的破坏系数,并基于破坏程度,得出了整体加固结构不同破坏系数对应的结构不同震害等级。研究结果可为碳纤维布加固古建筑木结构的震前破坏预测和震后加固古建筑木结构的保护再修复提供可靠的理论依据。 The aim is to evaluate the seismic properties of ancient timber structure after strengthening and analyze the failure process and corresponding failure state. Based on the hysteretic behavior and energy dissipation principle of the dovetail column-frame strengthened with CFRP and Arches Brackets under the low reversed cyclic loading, the “potential of destruction-resisting” of the two energy-consuming components is obtained. The dissipated energy of each energy-consuming component under the various earthquake conditions is calculated combining with the shaking table test of ancient timber structure. The model of seismic damage evaluation of the two energy-consuming components is established on the basis of the “potential of destruction-resisting” and the dissipated energy. By means of the energy distribution coefficient, the relationship of the failure state between energy-consuming components and overall strengthened structure is discovered, and the model of seismic damage evaluation of the overall structure under the various earthquake conditions is presented. With the derived model of seismic damage evaluation, the failure coefficient of the energy-consuming components and the overall strengthened structure is quantitatively calculated. According to the failure state, the corresponding damage grade of overall strengthened structure is obtained. The results can provide a reliable theoretical basis for predicting the destruction before earthquake and re-reinforcement to the strengthened ancient timber structures after earthquake.
出处 《土木建筑与环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期103-111,共9页 Journal of Civil,Architectural & Environment Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑计划资助课题(2013BAK01B03-02) 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划国际合作项目(2013KW23-01)
关键词 古建筑木结构 抵抗破坏潜能 能量耗散 地震破坏评估 破坏系数 ancient timber structure potential of destruction-resisting energy dissipation seismic damage evaluation failure coefficient
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