

Delay-dependent stabilization of T-S fuzzy systems under imperfect premise matching
摘要 为了降低T-S模糊时滞系统稳定性条件的保守性以及提高其控制器设计的灵活性,本文提出了在前提不匹配条件下考虑T-S模糊时滞系统的时滞相关稳定性以及控制器设计问题.首次通过构造包含三重积分的增广Lyapunov泛函的方法,提出一个新的具有较小保守性的时滞相关稳定性准则;同时在前提不匹配条件下,给出了保证该系统渐近稳定的控制器设计方法,该方法提高了控制器设计的灵活性,并且对于具有不确定隶属度函数的模糊系统同样适用.最后通过两个仿真例子验证本文所提出的方法的有效性. To reduce the stability conservativeness for T-S fuzzy systems with time-delay and improve fuzzy controller design flexibility, the issues of delay-dependent stability analysis and controller design for T-S fuzzy time-delay systems under imperfect premise matching are investigated in this paper. A new less conservative delay-dependent stability condition is firstly proposed by constructing a novel augmented Lyapunov function, which contains a triple-integral term. Under the imperfect premise matching, our approach can enhance the design flexibility. Especially, some issues related to the fuzzy models with uncertain grades of membership can also be resolved. Finally, two numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1-7,共7页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61273095) 芬兰科学院基金资助项目(135225 127299)
关键词 T-S模糊系统 时滞相关 前提不匹配 线性矩阵不等式 T-S fuzzy systems Delay-dependent imperfect premise matching linear matrix inequality (LMI)
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