目的 探讨小儿扁平外翻足的早期诊断与手术治疗。方法 本文共收治14例26足,其中先天性扁平外翻足9例16足,先天性垂直距骨5例10足。分别采用不同的手术方法矫正。结果 根据本文列出的评分标准,14例26足优者8足,良者14足,可者4足,差者无。结论 手术治疗关键:1)手术早期施行;2)彻底松解挛缩的软组织;3)充分完全的距舟关节复位;4)复位后可靠的固定。
Objective The diagnosis and surgical treatment of corgenital club-foot of child was discussed in this paper. Methods 14 cases 26 feet were collected in which 9 cases 16 feet suffered from congenital club-foot 5 cases 10 feet suffered from congenital vertical talas All there cases were corrected with different surgical methods. Results According to the scoring criterion written in this patper in all 14 cases 26 feet 8 feet were scored best 14 feet were secored better 4 feet were scored good. Conclusion The keys of surgical treatment are 1 Early operation 2 Complete release of constricted soft tissue 3 Complete relocation of talus scaphold joint 4 reliable stabilization after relocation.
Jiangxi Medical Journal