根据人们对低成本、高带宽的光通信系统需求的日益迫切,研究了基于光正交频分复用(OFDM,Orthvsonal Frequency-Divisivil Multiplexing)技术及1310激光器技术的光通信系统,在系统的实现过程中采用了信道估计算法和同步算法,实验结果表明系统的性能得到了很大的提高。通过Matlab编程软件将相关技术和算法实现,利用VPI仿真软件对系统进行仿真实验,验证了系统的可行性和实用性,给出了传输系统的仿真结果并进行了简要分析。
According to the demand on a low cost, high bandwidth for optical communication system from people, optical communica- tion system based on the optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology and 1310 laser technology has been re- searched. Synchronous algorithm and channel estimation algorithm were also introduced to improve the performance. Related technology and algorithm had been realized though Matlab software, and simulation had been done to validate the feasibility and practicability of the system by using VPI simulation software, it's proved that the system is feasible and practical, and simulation results are presented and analyzed briefly.
Computer & Digital Engineering