本文研究了稀土元素对白兰瓜果实在发育过程中碳水化合物代谢和维生素C含量的影响结果如下: 1、果实在发育过程中全糖、蔗糖和蔗糖合成酶活性逐渐增加,说明蔗糖的增加与蔗糖合成酶活性有密切关系。单糖含量在果实发育过程逐渐下降,一直维持到果实成熟期。而维生素C含量在果实发育初期稍高,以后逐渐下降,在花后40天开始上升,达到成熟期时突然升高,可能与碳水化合物代谢也有密切关系。 2、施用稀土元素,在果实发育过程都能促进全糖、蔗糖和维生素C含量的积累,促进蔗糖合成酶活性增加,提早果实的成熟期,提高了经济效益。
In this paper, metabolism of carbohydrates and vitamin C content in Bailan melon fruit and especially the effect of rare earth elements in the process of development were studied. The results showed as follows:
(1)In the process of development of Bailan melon fruit, the increase in content of total sugar and sucrose was closely related to the activities of sucrose synthetase. The decrease of sucrose in content of single sugar suggested that the increase of sucrose resulted from sucrose synthetase. The content of vitamin C decreased after the initial stage of the development of fruit and then suddenly increased after about 40 days of blossom. This was closely related to the metabolism of carbohydrates.
(2) Rare earth elements supplied to the root brought about the accumulation of total sugar, sucrose and Vitamin C in the fruit,and the promotion of the fruit ripening and the increase of economic benefit.
Rare earth element, Bailan melon, sucrose synthetase, carbohydrate.