
创业型企业创业环境评价与国际比较——基于GEM和中国的调查数据 被引量:6

Evaluation and International Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurial Environment: Based on the Data of GEM and China
摘要 创业型企业要健康成长离不开良好的创业环境。本文依据GEM统一调查问卷,对我国创业环境中金融支持、政府政策、政府项目、教育培训、研发转移、商务环境、基础设施、市场开放和文化规范等九个方面因素进行了评价,并与美国、韩国、德国和阿根廷等国的均值进行比较,建议我国在构建创业服务体系、丰富融资渠道、加强创业人才队伍建设、推动产、学、研合作以及培育创业文化氛围方面要继续优化创业环境。 Entrepreneurial Firms can not grow well without a good entrepreneurial environment. Based on GEM uniform questionnaire, this paper analyzed the data of nine factors of entrepreneurship environment - finan- cial support, the government's policy, the government projects, education training, research and development transfer, business environment, infrastructure, open markets and cultural norms - in the questionnaires for China, and then compare them with the mean of the United States, of South Korea, of Germany and of Argentina. This research suggests that China should make efforts in constructing entrepreneurship service system, adding financing channels, building the entrepreneurial talent team, promoting the University - industry Collaboration, and cultiva- ting entrepreneurship culture, in order to create a good innovation and entrepreneurship environment for small and medium -sized enterprises and to promote a good and rapid economic development in China.
作者 徐凤增 周键
出处 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期50-57,共8页 Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics
基金 2012年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"中小企业创业过程中杠杆资源利用研究"(12YJCZH231) 2011年中国博士后科学基金第五十批面上资助项目"创业型企业杠杆资源可获得性研究"(2011M501150)
关键词 创业环境 GEM 创业型企业 国际比较分析 Entrepreneurial environment GEM Entrepreneurial firms International comparative analysis
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