本文报道了不同农副产品下脚料栽培佛罗里达侧耳(Pleurofus florid)的研究。结果表明,在A.B.C.D.E五种培养基上均能正常发育,生长,出菇,获得了较好的产率,特别是在A、B培养基试种成功,不仅为佛平开辟了新的培养料来源,扩大了栽培范围,同时也为A、B两种废料的利用开辟了新的途径,对此目前国内外尚未有过报道。
This paper reports the cultivation of pleurotus florida on different waster materials from agricultural prouducts and by- products. The results showed that p. florida could grow, develop and bear fruit normally on media A, B, C, D, E, and higher yield rates mere obtained, especially on media A and B. This study not only exploited new compost resources for cultivation of p. florida but found a new way of utilizing waste materials A and B.