
间歇运行式生物滴滤池处理油漆废气中试研究 被引量:4

Pilot-scale study of performance of a intermittent running-biotrickling filter on treatment of waste gas from paint manufacturing process
摘要 为研究间歇运行式生物滴滤池对油漆生产厂废气净化能力,建立一座中试规模生物滴滤池(BTF),接种降解菌群,采用8 h/d运行方式净化某油漆厂包装车间废气,并用PCR-DGGE技术揭示BTF细菌群落结构与工艺运行条件间的联系。油漆厂包装车间废气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)主要为甲苯、乙苯、混合二甲苯(间、对和邻二甲苯),BTF对甲苯、乙苯、混合二甲苯最大去除率分别为88.8%、83.7%和86.3%。DGGE分析显示,BTF稳定运行时,主要优势菌相对丰度较为稳定(F,P>0.05),其细菌多样性显著低于启动期(F,P>0.05);同时,下层填料细菌多样性高于上层填料,其细菌结构变化也较上层明显;另外,提升培养液浓度至2倍和4倍对菌群结构亦无显著影响。 To evaluate the performance of biofihration on removal of valatile organic compound (VOC) in waste gases from a paint manufacture plant, a pilot-scale biotrickling filter (BTF) with intermittent running model was designed,and was inoculated with a microbial consortium. The changes of the bacterial community structure of the BTF were also analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. The major pollutants in waste gases were identified to be toluene,ethylbenyene and mixed xylenes (m,p, and o-xylene). The maximun removal efficiencies (REzax) for above pollutants obtained by BTF were 88.8% ,83.7% ,and 86.3% , respectively. DGGE analysis indicated that the relative abundances of dominant bacteria did not increase with operating times (F,p 〉 0.05). The bacterial diversity under steady operating phase was significantly lower than that of the start-up phase (F,p 〈 0.05). The bacterial community of the bottom packing in BTF exhibited the higher diversity and variance than those in the upper packing. The increase of nutrient concentration from two times to four times has no significant influence on the bacterial community structure.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第12期4929-4934,共6页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 广东省自然科学基金项目(10151007002000010) 广东省科技计划项目(2009B030400001 2011A030700002) 广州市科技项目(2011J4200074)
关键词 生物滴滤池 废气 降解菌群 PCR—DGGE 群落结构 biotrickling-filter waste gas degrading consortium PCR-DGGE community structure
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