
社会行为论:会话分析的新视角 被引量:12

Social Action Theory:A New Perspective in Conversation Analysis
摘要 会话分析是语用学研究的主要分支之一,呈现出视角多元化、方法多元化的总体态势。本文在简要回顾会话分析常见视角(如会话含意分析、会话礼貌分析、会话结构分析等)的基础上,重点评介从社会行为论视角进行的会话分析研究,通过比较,突显其独特的理论主张和研究方法,以期引起国内学者的研究关注,拓宽学界关于会话分析的研究视野,以便更好地开展基于汉语的会话分析。 As a key branch of pragmatics studies, Conversation Analysis (CA) emerges as an area of research with multiple perspectives and methodologies. After a brief review of the fa- miliar perspectives, such as those of conversational implicature, linguistic politeness, and conversational structure, the present paper presents the social action theory as a new perspective for conducting conversation analysis, and reports its unique theoreti- cal premises, methodologies and their research objectives, with the aim of drawing domestic scholars' attention to this field and broadening the horizon of relevant researches, in order to better develop CA based on Chinese.
作者 陈新仁 李民
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期1-5,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目"英语学术语用能力研究"(项目编号:11YYC012) 南京大学人文社会科学"985工程"三期改革型项目"当代西方语言学前沿理论研究与应用探索"(项目编号:NJU985JD05)资助项目成果
关键词 会话分析 社会行为论 言语行为 Conversation Analysis (CA) Social Action Theory speech act
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