
研究生导师组集体身份的话语建构研究——以导师组“我们”的使用为例 被引量:10

Construction of Collective Identities in Institutional Context:The Use of "We/Us" bv the Supervision Team
摘要 本文从机构话语视角出发,采用社会身份理论为理论框架,以第一人称代词复数"我们"为身份标记,通过分析由三位研究生导师组成的导师组在研究生论文汇报中的话语互动,探讨导师组在机构语境下建构集体身份的话语实践。研究结果表明,导师组使用"我们"建构集体身份的话语实践既与机构话语的"目的导向"紧密相关,也带有明显的人际关系维度。同时,三位导师"我们"的使用频率和涉及语用功能的不同,揭示出导师组的"角色分工"及相应的"互动权利和义务"。 This paper, adopting social identity theory as the theo- retical framework, by analyzing the use of first-person plural pronouns "we/us" from the perspective of institutional discourse, explores how three MA student advisors working in one supervision team construct collective identities when they were involved in the supervision sessions. The analysis shows that the discursive construction of identities is closely related to the "goal orientation" of institutional discourse,but it also involves a certain degree of interpersonal consideration. Meanwhile, the differentiated frequencies and pragmatic functions of "we/us" used by the three advisors reveal their "division of roles" which leads to corresponding "interactional fights and obligations".
作者 孙咏梅
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期11-14,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 2010年北京市教育委员会社科计划面上项目"中国高等教育机构中的集体与个体身份建构研究"(项目编号:SM201010028006)的阶段性成果
关键词 机构话语 集体身份 社会身份理论 目的导向 角色分工 institutional discourse collective identities social identity theory goal orientation division of roles
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