本文重点探讨中国学者在撰写中文科研论文时的研究定位问题。作者从国内最有影响力的几种核心期刊中选取2011-2012年关于英语教学的文章并创建了一个语料库,借用Sw ales的CARS模式中的语步二分析法,参照其语步二的语言实现形式,查找并分析了中文学术期刊论文引言部分语步二的语言使用特点。研究结果表明,与Swales对英文期刊文章的分析结论相比,我国期刊文章引言部分语步二的语言实现形式呈现出中国文化特色的语言特点。与国外学者相比,国内学者较为偏好"反驳已有观点",在需要指出现有研究的局限性时,常用一些惯用表达,如"尚处在发展阶段"。
This paper looks at the linguistic means Chinese aca- demics employ to establish a niche when they write for Chinese journals. For this purpose a corpus of language education papers published in several influential Chinese journals during the years of 2011 and 2012 was set up, upon which Swales' Create-A-Re- search-Space model (CARS) was used for the identification of Move-2 through pertinent linguistic features. The findings dem- onstrate that the options of linguistic means could well substanti- ate corresponding details of Move-2 and hence are culture - spe- cific at least to some extent. Compared with Native authors, Chi- nese scholars show a considerable preference for "counter-clai- ming" and tend to use phraseological expression such as "is still in its initial stage" in an attempt to point out the limitations with the existing research.
Foreign Languages and Their Teaching