

Approach to Contextual Analysis of Discourse Metaphor
摘要 语篇隐喻的组篇功能很大程度上是一种语境化的结果。语篇隐喻的生成过程自上而下受到认知语境、语用语境和文本语境的约束,对语篇起到了概念框定、交际互动和语义推进的作用。由此所产生的语境效果可由语篇中的隐喻性与非隐喻性表达以相互配合的方式共同体现。 Intentional impoliteness is a pragmatic strategy used for interpersonal purposes in interaction, thus in terms of the collected data this paper focuses its attention on identity constructions in the context of unintentional impoliteness so as to explore the relatedness between intentional impoliteness and identity construction. After the discussion about the pragmatic features and linguistic devices of intentional impoliteness, the paper mainly examines the construction of powerful identity, promi- nent identity and affective identity in context. It is found that owing to the constraints of rapport-challenge orientation in inter- personal interaction, intentional impoliteness is likely to be deliberately adopted as a pragmatic strategy so as to construct the above identities, during which the hearer's face and equal association rights can be threatened or challenged.
作者 刘汝荣
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期24-28,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 语篇隐喻 语境化 认知语境 语用语境 文本语境 intentional impoliteness pragmatic strategy identity construction rapport-challenge orientation
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