
解构与焦虑:评《蓝胡子的蛋》之双重叙事策略 被引量:2

Deconstruction and Anxiety:Duality as a Narrative Strategy in Bluebeard's Egg
摘要 作为对逻各斯中心主义的反驳,当代英美小说的叙事发生了从寻求"确定"到表现"不确定"的范式转变,《蓝胡子的蛋》堪称其中典型一例。在这篇短篇小说中,玛格丽特·阿特伍德利用双重叙事策略在前文本指涉、情节安排、人物刻画及意象暗指等方面刻意模糊多个二元对立项之间的界限,以造成文本意义的无限悬置。双重叙事既体现为形式上的解构也表现为主题上的焦虑,两者互为表里:解构性双重叙事包括多重文本间的互涉、传统叙事结构的消解及文本意义的延异;而多重交织的焦虑包括女主人公对婚姻的焦虑、叙事者改写故事时受前文本影响的焦虑,以及读者由于无法确定文本意义而产生的解读焦虑。 As a challenge to logocentrism, there arises the new narrative paradigm in contemporary English fiction writing, which changes from seeking ," the definite" to presenting "the indefinite", and Bluebeard's Egg is a case in point. Margret Atwood,in this short story, with duality as a narrative strategy, blurs the boundaries of multiple binary oppositions in pretext reference, plot arrangement, characterization and imagery impli- cation to create the infinite suspension of meanings. The narra- tive duality is embodied reciprocally in both deconstruction in form and anxiety in theme:the former includes intertextuality, dissolution of traditional narrative form and differance of meanings while the latter includes the heroine's anxiety about her marriage,the narrator's anxiety of the influence from the pretexts, and the readers' anxiety in failure to pin down meanings.
作者 穆杨
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期93-96,共4页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目"英美当代女性作家童话改写研究"资助(项目编号:08JC752002)
关键词 蓝胡子母题 双重叙事 文本互涉 叙事消解 意义延异 Bluebeard motif narrative duality intertextuality dissolution differance
  • 相关文献


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