目的 了解麻风病院村的现状和相关人员对麻风病院村整合的意见,为有效落实麻风病院村改造建设项目提供科学依据.方法 以广东省麻风病院村为研究对象,采用焦点小组讨论、个人访谈、问卷调查及现场观察等资料收集工具对12所麻风病院村的居留人员、麻风病防治人员进行专项调查.结果 大部分居留人员有当地最低生活保障和参加基本医疗保险,其基本生活、医疗能得到保障,但收入不能满足物价上涨的需求,生活困难,医疗保障水平低,大病负担重.大部分居留人员不愿意迁出.迁居后的经济收入和医疗保障是影响居留人员搬迁意愿的重要因素.结论 应更多关注居留人员的现状,尊重其对麻风病院村整合的意愿,有必要从经济收入和医疗保障等方面进行合理引导.制定麻风病院村整合政策时,要合理配置卫生资源,有效落实麻风病院村改造建设项目.
Objective To provide scientific support for the effective implementation of a reconstruction project on leprosy villages investigating the current status of leprosy villages and the related personnel' s opinions about integrating the leprosy villages. Methods 12 leprosy villages in Guangdong province were used as a study subject. We conducted a special survey on the residents with leprosy and the medical staffs using focus group discussion, individual interview, questionnaire survey, and spot observation. Results Most the residents had minimum local living guarantee and basic medical insurance to maintain a basic life and medical treatment. However, their living conditions were still hard because the residents' income did not meet the requirement for the rising of living expense. Level of health care assurance was lower and the burden on the residents for treating severe diseases was heavy. Most the residents were reluctant to move out of the villages. Personal income and health care assurance were important factors affecting their desire to relocate. Conclusions We should pay more attention to the current status of residents with leprosy and respect their willing of integration of the leprosy villages. It is necessary to offer a reasonable guide basing on personal income and heallh care assurance. Medical resources should be rationally allocated as we make the policy on the integration of leprosy villages and the reconstruction project on the villages should be effectively implemented.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Leprosy village
Current status